Project Description
Beaded Roses Bouquet
This is a bride’s bouquet made of twelve beaded roses.
I created the bouquet for my wedding and crafted each rose weaving every single glass bead into the petals of the flowers.
The making of each rose was a meditation, a gathering of good wishes for the coming celebration of my union with Greg. Three of the roses were made by some women friends, who wanted to wish me well on that day.
In Italy, it is tradition to throw the bouquet amongst the group of unmarried women present at the wedding, and whoever catches the bouquet, it is said, is going to marry next.
As a result, a bridesmaid caught the flying bouquet and for this reason I gave her one rose from the bouquet. This token is a wish for her to create the space in her life for a man and she can use the beaded rose as an amulet to channel her manifestation if she wishes.